It's Somagablog
Information, Art, Entertainment, Motivation, Education, Enlightenment, News
Tuesday 13 June 2023
The Importance of Self-Care: Nurturing Your Mental and Emotional Well-Being
Friday 2 February 2018
The Best Time To Do it
Most youths have forgotten they have a "Mind", they have lost hope in a better tomorrow...
They have been mortified and reduced to mere zombies...
They're now like puppets whose cords are held by the puppeteer, the crafty old men in the guise of leaders..
They are hungry, angry and have lost the sense of belonging, responsibility and reasonability....
This is what I believe!
We are tired of the present ills experienced now...
We are ready to be the change we desire/deserve!
We are ready to rise up and defend what's left of our future and that of our unborn children!
We are ready to live and be free from the oppressors!
We are ready to say NO! To the peanut with which they try to buy over our lives and future!
We are ready to chart the course of our future by ourselves!!!
It is our TIME & our TURN! We can't and won't let anyone tell us otherwise!
We are majority and we have the power!!!
We CAN!! And we WILL!!
Go get your PVC today!!
Greater Imo Movement (GIMO)
Wednesday 20 April 2016
(For the mature and free minds alone) It's a mind twister, I choose to sound cynical
What if life was darkness, and living, fear?
Last night, I stepped out of the house, into the dark. The darkness was thick, I could feel it in my skin, I felt I was embedded in it; it was just the substance of all that was. Suddenly, I was frozen in fear and chills ran from the crown of my head, through all my body parts down to my feet. At this moment, I strained my eyes to see, but all to no avail, my next step was uncertain, I feared I would trip and fall with no one to catch me. In my mind, I knew where I was going, but I feared I wouldn’t make it to the gate; I could step on a snake, or scorpion, or thorn or maybe the heap of mud somewhere in the compound. I could slip and fall, get stained or injured.
This is exactly what we get in life. We go to bed each night, first of all, scared of oversleeping, and then in the morning, we wake up with or without a plan drawn for the day. At this moment, fear kicks in again, we are scared of going late to work, scared of getting stuck in traffic, scared of missing an appointment, or deadline, scared of not hitting a target, and so, fear becomes our motivation. We fight on and on, from one stage of life to another, each day, our fears take new shapes and forms.
As kids, we had our own form of fears, though most of them were borne by our parents; the fear of not grooming the kids to a desired expectation, the fear of failing as parents. Each episode of sickness came with a renewed form of fear, each stage of development, from the time the baby crawls, to when he walks, when he starts schooling and so forth. At a point in development, when the baby has got to self realization, a huge portion of the fear is handed over to him, and he lives on, with one form of fear or the other. First, the fear of failure; in school, in a chosen career, in a relationship and so on, One day, he falls in love, and his fears are doubled. There is also fear of death, disease, poverty, dissatisfaction, lack, rejection and so forth…
Why all these fears? Maybe, because we can’t certainly predict the next step in the darkness (life) even though in our minds, we all know where we want to be, what we want to have, what we’re working towards, but yet “nothing ever promised tomorrow today”
Surprisingly, we fight life each and every day, we strain so hard, with faith, we cling to every source of light available, we shine light on every dark part. With faith, we take that bold step against all odds. It is a fight everyone must fight, because clinging to light itself is war, not meant for the feeble or faint minded. (Even though at the end, everyone is defeated by darkness and fear and silence)
Finally, should I say we all hate life (darkness) and no one enjoys living (fear)? If not, why do we embrace light? Why do we fight fear with faith? When at the end, all that is and will ever be is darkness…..
Tuesday 28 July 2015
Woman beyond woman Anatomy
Every woman in her own way is decorated in her own specific combinations of the features listed above and hence, what a wonder added to life, In variations and varieties!! The attraction of all men, the hunger of all, setting them off balance when desired, making hormones work overtime, sending jitters and rebellion in certain areas of a man’s being.
Beauty they say is in the eyes of the beholder, even though I choose to say, that true beauty is in the mind of the beholder… Beauties are meant to be admired, associated with, kept around and appreciated, loved, pampered, protected, cared for, with all tenderness.
But what beauty should we care more for? The one we see or perceive? Beyond all the external features, beneath all that meet the eye, beyond the woman anatomy, that’s where the true beauty lies. In her character, that’s where her truest beauty is found. Time counts in seconds, it proceeds to minutes and hours, and then to weeks and months, till it gets to years. Time brings everything, it also takes everything away. With itself, it brings beauty, the physical beauties of a woman, getting intense in the teens and twenties, with itself, it takes beauty, from the thirties and above, distorting the entire anatomy bit by noticeable bits, until all that is left, is the perceived beauty, the one that lies beneath. Therefore, in everyday care for the bodily beauty, as it is done most often at intervals on daily basis, every woman should take time out, to build the character positively, because, good character makes the beautiful woman. Physical beauty may attract, but the inner beauty keeps and sustains attention. Physical beauty is just like a flower that blossoms in the morning, attracting to itself varieties of creatures; the butterflies, bees, birds, and even humans. All, coming to it to take a piece of it's beauty.. The bees take from it to make honey, the butterflies and birds, to feed, the humans, to decorate themselves or present as gift to loved ones.. Sooner than later in the day, Time brings the sun, with its intensity of heat, it does its deal on the once beautiful flower, slowly, it takes with itself the beauty of the flower, it shrinks and slowly, it loses its power to attract. In all analysis, the woman that lies beneath the woman anatomy, is the true woman...
Friday 24 July 2015
POLIO: Also a Deadly Virus
Saturday 18 July 2015
Ageing: 5 Lifestyle Practices That Will Keep You Younger
1) Exercise, exercise and exercise
In May 2014, findings from the longest-running clinical trial on the relationship between physical activity and aging were revealed, naming exercise as one of the best ways to prevent the loss of mobility that often accompanies old age. But how, exactly, does exercise keep you young? Exercise builds bone mass -- which is a good thing for anyone not wanting to break a hip or anything else due to weakness. In addition, exercise makes your heart more efficient. When you're active, your heart rate goes up so that more oxygen can be circulated. Exercise also increases blood flow, which helps your brain; it also helps your brain release serotonin, which is known for its role in fighting depression.