Friday, 15 May 2015


Each morning, we welcome a new day, we brush off the remnants of debris of the day past. We feel refreshed and set to buckle up for the day at hand… Then we realise some of the debris of the day(s) past we thought we brushed off, still linger, and as the day ages, we feel the dirts enlarge, some mildly, others heavily and just for a few, the day(s) past remains past with only streaks of memories; sweet, not so sweet, sour and bitter, in varying degrees. At some point, we tend to lose sight of ourselves, either because we are weighed down by the debris of the past, engrossed in the dealings of the present or nervous about the challenges of the tomorrows.

With all these taken to heart or (and) mind, we stray from ourselves, from the real constituents and compliments of self….  We’re driven to cut (and paste) corners, compromise our standards (if we have any) and live according to the dictates of situations, without reference to who we are or working towards to be… Sometimes, this is a daily occurrence, to some, weekly, monthly, yearly, or at whatever interval, depending on individual…
At some points in this life, real time evaluation is needed, the closer the intervals of evaluation, the better. Though in my own opinion, there are moments better lived when we are far from self, some necessary not so negative indulgences that help to make life worth living…
But in conclusion, self rebooting, re-evaluation is very necessary, and by so doing, we live not so far from ourselves, so that each morning we wake up, we have less debris to shake off, and little more to build up as each day passes…


  1. Writing to thrill the mind

  2. Interesting piece of writing from a grown mind
